



超市特工 第二季


主演: 亚当·鲍德温伊冯娜·斯特拉霍夫斯基扎克瑞·莱维林小微约书亚·戈麦兹莎拉·兰卡斯特雷恩·麦帕林马克·克里斯托弗·劳伦斯

首播时间: 2024-04-21 简介

简介: 如果突然有一天,当你打开电子邮件收件箱时,一瞬间你的脑子里记下了那一闪而过的所有国际机密,对你来说是上天的眷顾亦或是噩梦的开始呢?至少对于Chuck来说这是他新生活的开始。一个电脑天才却只能在超市里给顾客修电脑,不时的要跟那个尖酸刻薄的老板对着干,但是又时刻担心着自己的饭碗不保。曾经的计算机高材生如今却只是一个小小的超市雇员,曾经的同学早已经是硅谷的千万富翁,而自己却还要跟这姐姐住,对于Chuck来说除了自卑还是自卑,唯一的快乐或许就是和死党Morgen斗斗嘴,和BuyMore的其他几个死党扯家常。但是这样的生活注定不会发生在Chuck身上,因为上天不会埋没他的天分。一个偶然机会Chuck打开了那封邮件,于是他的人生发生了翻天覆地的变化。Sarah和Casey的闯入使Chuck一夜之间由名不见经传的小人物摇身一变成为了神秘的间谍。但这个间谍不仅糊里糊涂而且还胆小怕事,但是搞笑的本事倒是不少,而且还在不经意间俘获了美女间谍Sarah的心。《糊涂间谍天才蛋》第一季可以说是赢得了满堂彩,虽然说一个笨笨的间谍加上一个美女特工的题材早已司空见惯,但是要相信大牌的幕后团队实力就是不一般。《绯闻少女》和《橘子郡男孩》的制片人JoshSchwartz携手《霹雳娇娃》的McG,想想看这是何等的阵容,当然再加上Chuck的不二人选ZacharyLevi,以及让人眼前一亮的Sarha(YvonneStrahovski饰演),当然不能少了可爱的Morgen(JoshuaGomez饰演),还有美丽大方的姐姐Ellie(SarahLancaster饰演)以及“倍儿棒队长”的姐夫,都给该剧增色不少,同时《Chuck》的一大亮点就是其中的亚洲面孔和耳熟能详的配乐,当然不时流露出的中国特色也会让你欣喜不已。第二季的《糊涂间谍天才蛋》在继承第一季的风格的同时,据说还会大打明星牌,眼尖的同志们可千万不要错过机会哦! 简介





The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC.Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape.Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare.Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself.But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.


The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC.Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape.Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare.Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself.But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.




“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline.Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper editor.But their world is turned upside down when, at a family wedding, he’s overheard making an “ill-advised joke.” As a guest threatens to expose Douglas on social media the rumor mill goes into overdrive and sparks off a digital storm that quickly upends his life and career. With her 2 million social media followers, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline could throw Douglas a lifeline by posting in his defense … but will she?


“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline.Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper editor.But their world is turned upside down when, at a family wedding, he’s overheard making an “ill-advised joke.” As a guest threatens to expose Douglas on social media the rumor mill goes into overdrive and sparks off a digital storm that quickly upends his life and career. With her 2 million social media followers, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline could throw Douglas a lifeline by posting in his defense … but will she?


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